The Latex Care Company
It all started with Lady Vivian’s love and adoration of latex. She got the first bottle named after her as a personal gift. That was in the year 2004 and no one even suspected what would result from it. The VIVISHINE team is familiar with the party and latex scene and is enthusiastic about the fascinating latex material. Vivian was curious to know why Steffen’s outfits always shine so beautifully, and what she got as answer, the first version of Vivishine as a present. Andreas had the idea not only to use it himself, but also to make a product for like-minded people. VIVISHINE was born!
The 3-man team optimized the mixture and came up with the Vivishine product, which was publicly presented for the first time was at the German Fetish Fair 2005. The first users and a few shops were convinced of the quality and continue to recommend it to this day. Except for our homepage, not a dime was spent on advertising. VIVISHINE easily won over people and was always recommended. It made its way to England and from there to the whole world. In short, the users love VIVISHINE! With the advent of particularly figure-hugging catsuits with neck entry, the time was ripe for VIVIDRESS. It is so nicely smooth and skin-friendly that even slipping into these suits is fun. After thorough preparation and many tests, VIVICLEAN, VIVISHINE fresh up and VIVISHINE spray followed. We know just what you need for latex care from personal experience.
Today, VIVISHINE is arguably the most recommended product for latex luster and care. It comes as no surprise that it was used by the creators of the Mercedes advertisement for the Berlin Fashion Week 2016 to bring 130m2 latex to shine. Meanwhile there are also occasional attempts to copy VIVISHINE products. VIVISHINE promises no miracles or a completely new latex feeling – after all, VIVISHINE has been around for over a decade. And despite all the success, we always see ourselves as part of the scene and appreciate every single user, latex designer or the small and large shops worldwide.