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Patricia Angulo, a native of Barcelona. Student of Superior Architecture and Fashion Design, she was always forged to the world of art through her grandfather writer and painter. He entered the world of clubs when he was younger, and his sensitivity to electronics grew within the underground scene of Barcelona. 12 years muddy in the night of the city of Barcelona as a music writer, promoter and artistic producer of events. At the age of 30, she decides to break with her life by feeling empty, increasing her pain and turning it into matter. Starting from 0 was his way of renewing himself and getting his project Rojo Casi Negro, consisting of a written story of 11 surreal, macabre and pain-filled stories, criticizing the society of extreme happiness of today, thus also creating a collection of 11 paintings in red and black acrylic on canvas, the last one painted live in The Loft Room, Razzmatazz, and making an exhibition in the Mutual Gallery. From there his artistic project has grown, encouraging Live Paiting (live painting) in electronic clubs.

After a few hard days of confinement from COVID-19, the restless Patty, seeing her future falter, decides with great effort to take out her project Erràtica Bcn, her own brand. Focused on latex fabric, it wraps all the knowledge acquired until then, her character and personality, thus embodying in the clothes, everything that she is.

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  • Womanswear
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  • Fashion
  • Onlineshop
  • Made to order
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